Penny Pinching Peach

For the semi crunchy, homeschool friendly and totally frugal!

Take Pictures With Your Kids


Take a Picture With Me, Mommy!

Take a Picture With Me, Mommy!

“Take a picture with me,  Mommy! “, my five year old daughter chirped this afternoon.

Excuses immediately ran through my mind of why I would really rather not.  I have a headache,  my hair is a mess, I am wearing no makeup and I have hardly slept in days, so I am not looking my best.

Then I had a flashback to being that girl begging for pictures with my mom, who hated having her picture taken. She usually said no, but those times she actually said yes live on as treasures for me. They are beautiful reminders of the loving,  joyful childhood I had with a mom who put aside her own insecurity in how she looked for long enough to make a record of a moment with her daughter.

My mom passed away at age 44, long before I had my own little girl.

Each snapshot of my mom is an irreplacable memory, frozen in time.

I cherish them, and the ability to share them with the grandchildren she never met. Because of this,  I don’t care if I look like a homeless crazy person,  I will take that picture with my babies whenever they want.  They don’t care about how I look now. Later they will look at that photo and remember that moment with Mom, regardless of what my hair looked like.

Take those pictures with your kids.

How you look right now doesn’t matter.  You don’t have to look like a fashion model to be a fabulous mommy. How they feel and the memories preserved in time do. You won’t regret those messy moments captured in a picture. Those messy moments make up the beautiful, crazy life filled with the love you have for your children….and that’s what those photos will represent to them when they look at them.

Here is a letter I wrote to my mom on her birthday during my pregnancy with our little Sweet Pea, if you would like to read it…

Dear Mom

8 thoughts on “Take Pictures With Your Kids

  1. It is so important to record memories and especially with your children. I love digital cameras because I can keep my photos on my laptop and see them whenever I want to. Thanks for sharing with us at #AnythingGoes Link up

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Aw, I love this! I am always thinking up excuses too, and I hate looking back at pictures when I was a mess. But you are right, they are little memories that mean so much. My husband has gotten good at the family selfie and he takes them every few days, they are adorable, and I know when these kids are out of the house doing their own thing I’m going to look back and cherish these memories.

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  3. Hi there congratulations! You were in my top two picks for the week in the #AnythingGoes link up. Have a lovely day and see you next week.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. This is so true! Life is fleeting. It’s the little moments, day-to-day that you share with your kids that they will remember. They don’t care about messy hair or makeup because, in their eyes, you are the most beautiful person in the world! This is very beautiful. Thanks for sharing with me! #FridayFunday ❤

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