Penny Pinching Peach

For the semi crunchy, homeschool friendly and totally frugal!


Seven Things You Will Miss When Living In a Camper

Seven Things You Will Miss When Living In a Camper Full Time

Seven Things You Will Miss When Living In a Camper Full Time

We have been living in a camper with our three small children for almost a full year now.

I have thinking about the numerous unusual things I have learned and experienced this year. I thought that anyone considering long term camping should know what we take for granted every day they are likely to miss,  and ways to cope with that. Here’s presenting my personal list, and hoping someone finds it useful!

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Seven Things You Will Miss When Living In a Camper!

    1. Long hot showers! You will learn to turn the water off to soap up, shampoo and shave your legs. If you don’t,  you will feel the freeze! Even then, hurry up, buttercup! Want a luxuriously long shower? Get a portable shower caddy for your shower necessities, then camp where they have very clean and well kept bath houses or visit relatives!
    2. Not rocking during storms! You will become very in tune with the moods of nature. It can be amazing in some aspects, but it is a whole different experience to be quite literally rocked by storms!
    3. Insulation! Even if your camper is “four seasons”, it is not remotely close to an actual house in terms of insulation.  If you are going to be staying in a camper during all seasons,  choose your rig carefully and research numerous tips for riding out changing seasons. My biggest tip for summer is shade, shade, SHADE!!!! My biggest tip for winter is to add insulation where you can and buy an infrared heater.
    4. Any semblance of privacy! You hear, see, feel and smell almost everything together when you live in a camper! I am already extremely in tune to people around me,  so this can be overwhelming.  For night, an amazing sound machine like this one I have is a lifesaver! Trust me on this, y’all! Also, three kids can and will crowd into the teeny tiny bathroom with me most times.  There is no lock!
    5. Extra space…for anything! Minimalism is your friend!  Every item must have a use and a place, or it must go! If you have children,  this can get tricky. I limit the toys allowed inside to the things they live most and play with constantly. (I plan a whole post just for managing toys in small spaces without going nuts or living in a toy box.)
    6. Real toilet paper!  I had forgotten how soft regular toilet paper can be after a year of one ply rv toilet paper, until I visited a conventional home. It’s like sandpaper versus clouds!
    7. In home laundry! Unless you are lucky enough to have space for something like this mini washer and dryer, you are going to get acquainted with laundromats or find alternative solutions to get your laundry done. My husband takes most of ours with him on shift.

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Do you live in  a camper? What would you add to this list?

Want to hear from the beginning of this adventure? Read about our Life in a Tiny House on Wheels- Full Time Camping!