Penny Pinching Peach

For the semi crunchy, homeschool friendly and totally frugal!


Winning Wednesday

Great Gobs of Giveaways

Great Gobs of Giveaways

We are back again with Winning Wednesday, and some absolutely amazing giveaways for y’all to enter! Has anyone won any goodies here lately? 🙂 I just received some adorable shoes for my oldest from the gift card I won from Umi Shoes, and am expecting a couple more goodies from the same prize pack I won. 🙂

Enter to win a Step Up Chair With ALL Attachments, $200 Amazon Gift Card, T-Shirts, and Poster! (Ends 4/28)

Try to win an $80 Diaper Junction gift card! (Ends 5/8)

Here’s a chance to win a copy of the My Little Pony Complete TV Series! (Ends 4/27)

Enter to win a Swiggydiggydoo Subscription box! (Ends 5/6)

Here’s a chance to win a Pampers Easy Ups Potty Learning Package! (Ends 4/29)

Try to win a great gift pack full of goodies for Mom (or any other lady, honestly 🙂 )! (Ends 5/3)

Great chance of winning with low entries for an adorable Pick-ease set! (Ends 4/26)

Try to win a Little Tykes Cape Cottage Playhouse! (Ends 5/6)

Little Tikes Cape Cottage Playhouse Giveaway

Enter to win a Chew-Choos Sweet Pea Teething Necklace with low entries! (Ends 5/2)

Try to win a $75 Gymboree gift card! (Ends 4/30)

Any bloggers or small businesses with current family friendly giveaways are welcome to post links to one or two of those giveaways with a brief description in the comments section. If you have an upcoming giveaway you would like to be featured, please contact me via my Facebook page with details. This will continue to be a weekly feature here on Penny Pinching Peach if there is consistent interest, so give a shout if you enjoy these lists and let me know if you entered any contests! Oh, and definitely come back and let me know if you win something, please!!!


The Crazy Kingdom of Kiddos

Muddy Munchkin Man

Muddy Munchkin Man

I’m a stay at home mom, married to a firefighter paramedic who is literally gone over half the time just for work. I spend a lot of time alone in the crazy kingdom of kiddos….and it’s definitely a craaaaaaazzzzzzyyyyy place to be.

Want some examples? Happy to oblige! Maybe it’ll make someone else feel less alone in their own personal kingdom of kookiness. 🙂

Just the other day, my 4 year old decided that it would be a good idea to use a cooler and the counter to climb up and get the candy Mommy has safely stashed on top of the fridge to prevent the candy coma inducing binges she is so wonderfully prone to. My intervention was met with howls of indignation, instead of appreciation for the fact she didn’t break her stubborn little neck.

On the same aforementioned day, my potty training 2 year old came running up to me with a huge smile saying “Mama, me pee! Me pee!”. When I asked where, he proudly pointed under the kitchen table to the spreading yellow puddle. “Me pee!”. Yep, you pee… but don’t expect a treat for this one, baby boy!!

Some days my 4 year old doesn’t want to get dressed, because she thinks her jammies are the coolest outfits in the world. You know what? Sometimes I let her. Hey, a mommy gets tired! Ever heard the phrase “Choose your battles”? It seriously applies with small children of the strong willed variety. If I’m not doing a daggum thing other than puttering around the house, and the kid wants to wear her princess jammies all day, who am I to fight? I’ll fight when she wants to jump off the deck railing because it looks like fun or when she doesn’t want to brush her teeth because the toothpaste makes her milk taste funny, but wearing clean jammies all day now & then doesn’t hurt anything.

My munchkins were both playing happily with their water table recently as I watched out the kitchen window while doing the dishes. What I didn’t know was that the little stinkers had dumped a bunch of dirt into the table, and my little guy was smearing the resulting mud all over himself. By the time I did realize what they were doing, he was a pretty mess. In fact, the face in the photo came just before he started hollering “Bath!” and running for the house. You know a boy is filthy when he’s actually begging to be cleaned up! 😉

My 2 year old is all boy, no doubt about that. What he doesn’t yet know is that allowing your big sister to deck you out in her sparkly purple princess dress Disney Princess Sparkle Dress – Rapunzel 4-6Xand outgrown white Mary Jane shoes does not a macho man make. Gotta give the kid credit: He can almost make that get-up look masculine, as he struts around making superhero sound effects and rolls up the front of the dress to make it easier to charge around on his little red fire truck “saving the world” one stuffed animal at a time.

Yep, this kingdom of kiddos is completely crazy, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. 🙂 What craziness has happened at your house recently?
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The Princess and the Potty

DSC05686So, my latest money saving scheme is to get my very stubborn 3 year old to completely stop having accidents in her britches. She’s intelligent and knows how and when to go potty, but all of Mommy’s best efforts to completely get her accident free have been massive fails. I think I’ve finally struck gold!  I refuse to buy more pull-ups, so I’ve put her little hiney in panties (other than a diaper to sleep in). The psychology I used? Desperation! Kidding….kinda! She doesn’t know that, though. On to my real strategy…

Two things about Little Miss Princess Peach- she loves to help and she hates to get her pretty clothes messy. Using this knowledge to my benefit, first I told her that Mommy & Daddy can’t afford to keep buying diapers & pull-ups for such a big, smart girl. We need her help to save the diapers for her baby brother, who is just plain too little to make it to the potty. Can she help us? “Suuuuurrrrrre, I can do dat!”,  says she. “YES!!!!” thinks me. On to point number two, where I tell her that since she is wearing panties, if she peepees or poopoos on herself, it will go right onto her pretty clothes and ruin them. “Oh, no!” says she. “Oh, yes!” says me. “I gotta stay dry, den.” she states, and Mommy thoroughly agrees. Strategies in place. 🙂

Shortly after we started our latest foray into the mission to stay dry, I hear a little voice hollering from the bathroom. “Mommy! Mommy! I have a surprise for you!” she exclaims, throwing open the lid of her pink princess potty, “It’s peepee! I know you are so happy! Give me a huuuuuug!”

A few days in, we’ve went from a few accidents a day to one or two times, which is pretty much only when she does a number two (HELP ME!!!). Methinks Mommy is winning the war, finally. BWAHAHA!!!

*counting the money I’m saving and the frustration that is fading*
