Penny Pinching Peach

For the semi crunchy, homeschool friendly and totally frugal!

Peeps Easter Candy Cake


Peeps Easter Cake Pin

My daughter and I made this Peeps Easter cake together.

I was going to just line the cake with the Peeps and scatter jelly beans on top, but then I realized that I had this adorable bunny shaped cake pan. My daughter thinks this cake is the coolest thing since iced tea, and is very proud of our handiwork. 🙂 I was surprised at how easy it was to do, and how yummy the Peeps tasted with the chocolate cake.

All you need are simple & inexpensive items.

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Peeps Easter Candy Bunny Cake

  • First step: Make your cake flavor of choice. We made a devil’s food cake in our 9″ bunny shaped pan. I can’t find the same one online, but this Easter bunny one is nicer and cuter, honestly.
  • Second Step: Let it cool, then pop it out on a cake platter, Cake Stand like this, or large tray.
  • Third Step: Ice it with your choice of icing, making sure it’s pretty thick around the sides.
  • Fourth Step: Decorate the top. You can do a bunny face like we did, use sprinkles, jelly beans, M&Ms or other candy of choice, make designs with decorative icing,…just use your imagination and get creative.
  • Fifth Step: Press the Peeps firmly and carefully around the side of the cake.
  • Sixth Step: Admire your handiwork, take a picture, and show it off here!

What kind of cake and decorations would you like best? For another fun Easter treat, try our Key Lime Rice Cereal Eggs!

9 thoughts on “Peeps Easter Candy Cake

  1. Keisha, your cake is absolutely adorable! I showed the picture to my kids (actually, they were peeking over my shoulder) and they were oohing and ahhing over it! My Mom brought the cake for Easter this year. It was pink lemonade flavor from a box mix with pink lemonade frosting. It was so good!


    • I’m glad y’all like our cake! My daughter was tickled pink with it, to say the least, since she got to do so much of the decorating with Mommy. 🙂 Pink lemonade cake? I’ve never heard of that, but it sounds good!


  2. Sounds delicious and looks so pretty and fun!!!


  3. Pingback: Key Lime Rice Krispie Eggs | Penny Pinching Peach

  4. Pingback: Easy Desserts Made With Cake Mix | Penny Pinching Peach

  5. Pingback: Tasty Tuesdays - Easter Favorites - Savvy In The Kitchen

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